History of Stanger Masjid
We do hope that by presenting this brief history we are able to rekindle fond memories of our town, remember our seniors, learn from their experiences, follow their light and footsteps and most of all unite us as the Muslim community of KwaDukuza.
The iconic Stanger Jamia Musjid has a rich history of 122 years. It was the generosity of Hassan Ismail Kota on the 30th August 1897 that the present Musjid site was acquired. This kind-hearted brother then went on to donate this land to what was known as the Congregation of the Stanger Mahomedan Mosque on 14th October 1918. The courageous act of donating a site for the Musjid was admired by many, which led to Br. DM Seedat then donating an additional land (what is known as Madrassah arcade) in 1920, for the purposes of deriving rental income that maybe utilised for the upkeep and development of the Musjid and Madrassah which was under the management of the Musjid.
A simple wood iron structure was erected in 1903 and this was utilised for performing of Salaah. In the year 1910 a Musjid structure was built. This building was also used as a Madrassah until 1930.
Figure 1: Masjid in 1910
At this point, kind donations from the Joosub and Abba families saw our community earn a piece of land in Lindley Street at which Islamia Madrassah was situated. This donation was received in the year 1935. Ismaeel Munshi Saheb served as the first Ustaaz at this Madrassah.
In the year 1948, Ebrahim Mohamad Moosaji, fondly remembered as Munshi Saheb Moosaji, settled in our town and served as Imam and Ustaaz at our Musjid.
In the late 1970s the access from the Masjid into Jackson Street was obtained by a donation of a property on which the driveway is now located.
Islamia Madrassah was then renovated and used as a Salaah facility, whilst the current Masjid facility was undergoing major construction. The Masjid in its current form was completed on 12 September 1974 Subsequently the Salaah facility on Lindley Street was demolished and shops were erected for rental income that would be utilised for purposes outlined in the Waqf deed.
In the year 1987, what is currently the SADICS office, previously the Trident hardware, a property situated adjacent to the Musjid parking was purchased by the Musjid committee. The purpose of this investment was to generate an additional income stream for the Musjid.
witnessed it. Scholars from abroad in excess of 500 had attended this event. The community had seized this golden opportunity and rallied to the service of the thousands of guests who flocked our town. Like many a reporter would say, it was a mini Hajj. This Ramadaan had stamped the name of Stanger Jamia
Musjid onto the spiritual map for years to come.
In 1999 the old Tiffanys building was purchased presently occupied by PTR with a flat upstairs. In 2005 some benefactors donated a Rental producing house in Glenhills to the Musjid.
Of recent, in the year 2009, the driveway and parking area in front of the SADICS office which belonged to the Moorad family was purchased. We thank our senior and elders who had the foresight to acquire such prime property, thereby securing our communities religious needs. In 2017/2018 Marhoom Mrs. Kajee’s House in Hulett Street acquired –partial donation and partial payment by the Musjid.
The spiritual connection of our Musjid is with many esteemed scholars of yesteryear. In 1963 during the Imamat of ML. Khalil RA, Qari Tayob Sahib RA, the principal of Darul Uloom Deoband joined us for Jummah Salaat at our Musjid and delivered a talk after Esha at the Town Hall. Town hall, due to the fact that a large number of people had come from other towns and the Musjid could not accommodate them.
Late in 1966 we were also blessed with a visit by ML.Ihtishamul Thanvi RA from Karachi. Once again, the main lecture was held in Town hall due to the large crowds. Late 1978 Ml Maseehullah Khan RA of Jalalabad had a short programme in our Musjid. Perhaps one of the most significant events in the history of our masjid was the hosting of Sh. Zakariyya RA in the year 1402 – 1981. This was an unforgettable experience for all those who In the years 1985 and 1994 our Musjid had also hosted the annual Tabligh Ijtima and Jhor respectively. The chief guest Ml Sayed Khan Sahib RA also blessed us with his visit.
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1. Ml Amiruddin Kazee – Passed away in 1930 – buried in our Cemetary – Wife was a Sayyid. Her dad was extremely fussy about who would marry her as she was a descendant of Nabi SAW. Eventually married her off to Ml Amiruddin – Many elders would fondly remember his son, Aziz Bhai of town. 2. Ml Abdool Qaadir – (ex Imam of Mohamediyyah Musjid, Sparks road) 3. Ml Hazruddin – Pakistan (Father of Ml Nasim – ex Imam Verulam) 4. Ml Ahmad Khalil Abdul Aziz – Ml was a BA graduate and an extremely powerful lecturer. 5. Ml Moosa Amajee 6. Munshi Ebrahim Saheb Moosaji 7. Ml MA Moolla – His name was virtually synonymous with Stanger – Punctuality and regularity for Salaah was his outstanding trait – He moved to Stanger on the 1 May 1973 and served our Musjid until the time when due to ill-health he was unable to continue with his duties 8. Ml Junaid Hassim 9. Ml Yacoob Lahrie 10. Ml Saleem Mangerah
- Ml Rafieck Mohammed
- Hafez Mahmood Noorgat
- Hafez Shabeer Yacoob
- Hafez Ebrahim Kajee
- Hafez Abdool Haq Nakhooda
- Hafez Ebrahim Seedat
- Ml Yunus Chohan
- Moosa Rahim – Marhoom
- Qaasim Kundete – Marhoom
- Qaasim Kasepe – Marhoom
- Sh Usmaan
- Sh Yahya
- Sh Imran – Johannesburg
- Qaasim Atibu – Shakaskraal
- Ml Adam Bhayat
- Ml MC Bhorat
- Ml Vahed – Shakaskraal
- Ml Mohammed Essack Noorgat
- Hafez Ahmed Ismail
- Hajee Essop Patel
- Mufti Basheer Amod
- Ml Yunus Patel
- Mufti Zubair Bayat had also left a great impression on the people of our town
Currently our Musjid has two Imams, Ml Hanif
Pandor who has served us for 29 years and Ml RA
Moosaji who has served us for 17 years. The
current Muazzins are Sh Ali Phiri and Sh Khalid.
2019 marks 30 years of service by Sh Ali. Even in
our times we are blessed to have pious and learned
personalities in the likes of ML Ismail Desai,Ml
Dawod Padia, Ml Dawood Asmal and Ml Yusuf
Tootla.There are many stalwarts and heroes, in the names
of our past trustees that we have not mentioned. However, our heart sincerely prays a Dua for them, for, it was through their vision and foresight that we are enjoying our luxurious facilities today.